domingo, 18 de mayo de 2008

Arkaos VJ 3.6.5

He estado buscando un programa para Vj completo pero no he encontrado ninguno solo me he topado con demos, asi que mientras consigo uno completo les dejo este que esta batante entretenido y sencillo de usar ademas de que lo escogí porque es compatible con PC y MAC, si alguien quiere contribuir con algun programa completo  se lo agradeceremos y nos ayudara a enriquecer este espacio. 

 Atte. Psyroler

Mac / Windows: 

- The video path is now using YUV when possible. This has the advantage of using less CPU and twice less bandwidth for the video upload to the graphic board. 

- Native MPEG 2 and 4 Decoder to support .MPG .MP4 .VOB .TS .M2V .MKV movies. You can now directly copy the VOB files from DVDs to your hard drive and play it. 

We now use FFMPEG to decompress MPEG files (2 and 4). When using mpg, vob, ts, mp4 files nothing more needs to be installed on 
the computer. 

- The QuickTime player has been optimized to use YUV when possible. 


- The Direct Show player has been optimized to support multi cores and YUV when possible. A bug that could happen when lot of movies were opened with this player has also been fixed in DirectShow player. 

- QuickTime Player 7.3 on windows was crashing with some MOV files loaded into ArKaos. 

Mac Only: 

- A crash on Mac Intel when editing position has been corrected. 
- Sometimes Core Image effects were loosing their parameters when several kos files were opened in the same time. 
- It was not open to select mpg, mpeg ... files in the file browser on Mac Intel. 
- When heavily loaded it was possible to have horizontal small distortions lines in acceleration mode. 
- Graphic Engine improvement (Open GL optimization) 
- A problem has been corrected when using 2 graphic cards in acceleration mode. 


3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Y tienes el serial number....lo necesito urgentemento....te agradeceia si lo tienes

Anónimo dijo...

Gran blog!!
Estoy deskargando komo loka.
Agradeceria ke me enviaras el serial o medicina del Arkaos,llevo dias y dias buskando este programa,mi mail es
Por cierto diria ke tu link es el uniko online de la red xD


Boom Boom ^^

Anónimo dijo...

Me puedes enviar el serial o medicina? gracias